Sunday, July 4, 2010

Comments From Barron's Letter to the Editor

My letter to the editor received a lot of feedback from friends and colleagues. To read the letter to the editor on Barron's website, click here.
  • They stand to loose a lot if they don't pump the stock. It is a shame we have to be so polite and not call a spade a spade.
  • Blake, I couldn't agree with you more. Whether it's BP, or airline stocks after a crash, or mining stocks after a cave-in, it's simply despicable to take advantage of the suffering of others to make a buck. Bravo.
  • I think it is a great commentary. I think your point is a valid one, and of course the other guys are going to tout the stick...THEY OWN IT!!!!
  • Your viewpoint is right on target. There certainly appears to be some self-dealing and BP stock despite their protestations to the contrary. Good for you for pointing this out which they clearly took issue with.
  • Congrats on the article. Interesting article and perspective. Raises question of whether one should focus on "socially responsible" investing or investing for profit.
  • A letter that compels a response from the authors of the underlying piece is a success! Well done.
  • I agree. F BP. They deserve to go bankrupt, and candidly, I hope they do.

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